Integrative Culture
….prior to diagnosis a self reliant and offen very creative life, after diagnosis loss of friendship and a big part of the social network and isolation. With the project culture we want to integrate people with HIV/AIDS to an everyday life with joint cultural activities, excursions and game playing evenings.
We want to show people that living with the virus is not synonimous with isolation and loneliness. This project was launched in 2006, with visits to museums and exhibitions, outings in the nature areas around vienna and many other cultural activities.
It became clear to us that many affected people like to partake in the offered activities and escape their daily routines with Illness at least for a few hours.
We want to be able to offer these activities to as many affected people as possible. With the assistance of some very committed helpers we could include three wheelchair users with special needs, all with great success.
One of the wheelchair users has since then regained her mobility to the point where she is walking,with a walking aid and managing her household all by herself.
We can see that these activities are very well received. With mutual appreciation and help with everyday life we would like to continue with this project.